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Senior Data Scientist

Job TitleMachine Learning Researcher Job TypePart-time CompanyIXDLabs EmploymentMay 2022 - Today's Collaborated Projects Visual Prompting & Panoptic Segmentation Building Panoptic Segmentation mod...

Job TitleMachine Learning Researcher Job TypePart-time CompanyIXDLabs EmploymentMay 2022 - Today's Collaborated Project...

ML Engineer

Job TitleMachine Learning Engineer Job Typepart-time CompanyIXDLabs EmploymentAug 2022 - May 2023 Collaborated Projects Twitter Profile Analyzer Twitter feed extraction and person space statics analysis with ...

Job TitleMachine Learning Engineer Job Typepart-time CompanyIXDLabs EmploymentAug 2022 - May 2023 Collaborated Projects ...

TEZARNet: TEmporal Zero-shot Activity Recognition Network

Title TEZARNet: TEmporal Zero-shot Activity Recognition Network Date August 2023 Venue ICONIP, Grade-B Conference ...

Title TEZARNet: TEmporal Zero-shot Activity Recognition Network Date August 2023 ...

SEZ-HARN: Self-Explainable Zero-shot Human Activity Recognition Network

Title SEZ-HARN: Self-Explainable Zero-shot Human Activity Recognition Network Date September 2023 Venue AAAI, Grade-A conference ...

Title SEZ-HARN: Self-Explainable Zero-shot Human Activity Recognition Network Date September 2023 ...