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ML Engineer

Job TitleMachine Learning Engineer Job TypeFull-time CompanyCMLInsights EmploymentAug 2023 - today's Collaborated Projects Python Library for PPSM Analysis Advance but robust & interactive python ...

Job TitleMachine Learning Engineer Job TypeFull-time CompanyCMLInsights EmploymentAug 2023 - today's Collaborated Proje...

MoraExtream'19 - 11th place

Competition Title MoraExtream 2019 - Competitive Programming Competition Organizer IEEEXtream Year Aug 2019 ...

Competition Title MoraExtream 2019 - Competitive Programming Competition Organizer IEEEXtream ...

Security Point object detection

StatusCompleted TypeGroup AreaDL RoleData Scientist Code base Description This project aimed to develop a mobile app that uses deep learning techniques, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to identify objects in images ca...

StatusCompleted TypeGroup AreaDL RoleData Scientist Code base Description This project aimed to develop a mobile app that uses deep lear...


StatusCompleted TypeGroup AreaDL RoleData Scientist Code base Description Our project, DefoM (Deforestation Tracking and Monitoring), is a comprehensive application that amalgamates cutting-edge AI technology with a mobile and web inter...

StatusCompleted TypeGroup AreaDL RoleData Scientist Code base Description Our project, DefoM (Deforestation Tracking and Monitoring), is...