MoraExtream'19 - 11th place

  | #Competitive Programming


MoraExtreme, our 12-hour competitive coding competition, is not just a contest; it's a crucible for testing our ability to think critically and rapidly develop solutions. The heart of MoraExtreme lies in its coding challenges, which are intricately designed around dynamic programming, divide and conquer algorithms, pathfinding, and the manipulation of data structures.

Key Achievements

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Participants honed their critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities under tight deadlines, fostering a culture of innovation and agility.
  • Deepened Algorithmic Knowledge: The competition's heavy reliance on dynamic programming and divide and conquer algorithms deepened participants' understanding of these essential concepts.
  • Advanced Data Structure Expertise: MoraExtreme challenged participants to define and manipulate data structures with precision and efficiency.