ML Internship

  | #Deep Learning#Computer Vision#Natural Language Processing#Machine Learning

Collaborated Projects

Hotel Review Analyzer

BERT model based review sentiment analysis.


Logo 1 gensim nltk spacy textblob beautifulsoup keras

Hotel Reviews, Opinion mining & Clustering

Opinion mining, topic modeling and NRE for detailed review analysis.


Logo 1 gensim nltk textblob beautifulsoup tensorflow

Human tracking, counting & face detection

Application to in real-time track people and count them as well as face detection.


Logo 1 cv2 caffe2 yolo keras tensorflow

Key Achievements

  • Developed a sentiment analysis model with an accuracy improvement of 15%
  • Led a team of data scientists in building a recommendation system that increased user engagement by 20%
  • Implemented a production-ready chatbot using state-of-the-art NLP techniques, reducing customer support response time by 30%