Maintenance Tracking System

  | #Web Application#Framework Development#Design Patterns


Our collaboration with the Sri Lanka Transport Board led to the creation of CBSV1, a comprehensive Bus Maintenance and Inventory Management System. The primary objective of this project was to develop an efficient PHP-based web backend framework, emphasizing robust database and query design. Beyond the technical aspects, our team applied various Software Engineering design patterns, including Memento, Factory, Strategy, Singleton, and more. Additionally, we tackled essential frontend development tasks, ensuring a seamless user experience.


  • Backend Framework Development: We established a powerful PHP framework for the project's backend, enabling seamless data management.
  • Database Design: A well-structured database design was implemented, optimizing data organization for efficient retrieval and management.
  • Software Design Patterns: Utilizing Memento, Factory, Strategy, Singleton, and other Software Design Patterns, we streamlined code architecture for maintainability.
  • Frontend Development: Our team managed frontend development tasks, ensuring a user-friendly interface.

Lessons Learned

  • Collaboration and Communication: Effective teamwork and communication were crucial, particularly when collaborating with external organizations such as the Sri Lanka Transport Board
  • Software Engineering Best Practices: Applying design patterns and best practices in software engineering greatly improved our code quality and project scalability.
  • Efficiency and Optimization: Database design and query optimization were essential for system efficiency, underlining the significance of these aspects in web development projects.